Excavation Contractor – What Does the Business Involve?

What seems like a straightforward business, drilling and excavating, actually has a lot of parts to it that all have to work together. Here are some of the key aspects of running a business like ours.

The Work of an Excavating and Drilling Contractor

Moving Dirt Around Continue reading “Excavation Contractor – What Does the Business Involve?”

Pier Drilling Can Shore up a Sagging Foundation

All building foundations will settle with time, but problems arise when this settlement is uneven or extreme. Sometimes requiring pier drilling or helicals.

Are you wondering if you have foundation issues with any property that you own? All building foundations will settle with time, but problems arise when this settlement is uneven or extreme. Continue reading “Pier Drilling Can Shore up a Sagging Foundation”

Preparing Your Site for Excavation!

Before any Bay Area home or office building can be constructed on a given site, excavation and site preparation must take place. Without this important precursor to construction, it would be impossible to install an appropriate foundation upon which any permanent structure should be built. Continue reading “Preparing Your Site for Excavation!”

How to Identify Home Foundation Problems

A home’s foundation is its first line of defense against the elements. When a foundation is strong, then the whole structure has a high level of integrity. In order to make sure that your building stays strong, there is a need for regular inspections. This kind of action enables you to detect small glitches and plug them before they get out of hand. However, it is hard to get there when you don’t know the signs that raise the red flag. Continue reading “How to Identify Home Foundation Problems”