Category: Pier Drilling

  • Using Piers and Piles to Shore Up Sagging Foundations

    Using Piers and Piles to Shore Up Sagging Foundations

    Pier drilling and pile driving are techniques used for driving pier or piles into the ground underneath a structure to shore up sinking or sagging building foundations, bringing them back to their proper level and preventing further foundation settlement. Also called “piering,” this method involves the use of strategically placed mechanical jacks to slowly and…

  • Excavating and Drilling in Wet Weather

    Excavating and Drilling in Wet Weather

    The Northern California rainy season has begun, and with it come special challenges for construction project crews. The most common wet weather dangers are “slips, trips and falls.” These dangers are particularly prevalent when working in elevated positions such as when using scaffolding, hand holds, stairs and ladders. Even after the rain stops, conditions remain…

  • Construction Site Excavation Safety Steps

    Construction Site Excavation Safety Steps

    Excavation and trenching are naturally hazardous construction operations, and contractors need to take all the appropriate steps to ensure worker safety. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) defines an excavation as “any man-made cut, cavity, trench, or depression in the earth’s surface formed by earth removal.” A trench, in particular, is defined as “a…

  • Common Residential Home Foundations

    Common Residential Home Foundations

    Homeowners don’t often think about the foundations of their home, but those foundations are critical components of any home, as they bear the entire load of the structure above. Foundations also have another critical function, in that they must prevent groundwater and soil vapors from penetrating into the home’s interior. When you’re trying to decide…

  • Helical Anchors a Great Choice for Solar Array Foundations

    Helical Anchors a Great Choice for Solar Array Foundations

    One of the typical methods for anchoring ground-mounted solar arrays has been to use a slab of concrete for the foundation. Helical piles are gaining popularity among designers and contractors, though, to provide solar array owners with a more stable installation. Helical piles provide some distinct advantages, so it is worth considering the use of…

  • Excavation Contractor – What Does the Business Involve?

    Excavation Contractor – What Does the Business Involve?

    What seems like a straightforward business, drilling and excavating, actually has a lot of parts to it that all have to work together. Here are some of the key aspects of running a business like ours. The Work of an Excavating and Drilling Contractor Moving Dirt Around

  • Pier Drilling Can Shore up a Sagging Foundation

    Pier Drilling Can Shore up a Sagging Foundation

    All building foundations will settle with time, but problems arise when this settlement is uneven or extreme. Sometimes requiring pier drilling or helicals.

  • Soil Improvements Provide Strength and Control Groundwater for Excavation

    Soil Improvements Provide Strength and Control Groundwater for Excavation

    Before excavation and construction can begin at a construction site, ground improvements must be done to manage groundwater and improve soil strength. Otherwise the site may not be able to provide adequate support for the planned foundation. There are several methods which can be used to accomplish this, depending on the conditions of the soil.…

  • Foundations: Building a Strong Base for Your Building

    Foundations: Building a Strong Base for Your Building

    The long-term structural stability of any building depends on having a well-built foundation in place. In a region subject to earthquakes, it is especially important for a highly reputable Bay Area excavating company to set the stage for that strong foundation. It is easy to build something passable, but it takes a well managed, well…

  • How Does Pier Drilling Work?

    How Does Pier Drilling Work?

    Pier drilling is a process which uses an augur to drill deep down into the ground, for the purpose of establishing piers or columns upon which a foundation can be placed to support a structure above ground. It is very often used in locations where the ground is not particularly stable, and where it would…