Tag: pier drilling

  • The 5 Main Functions of a Retaining Wall

    The 5 Main Functions of a Retaining Wall

    Our blog explores five main functions of a retaining wall and why you would want to hire a Sacramento retaining wall drilling company.

  • How Does Weather Impact Your Excavation Project?

    How Does Weather Impact Your Excavation Project?

    A skilled Sacramento foundation drilling company will take the time and will have the expertise to study and assess the needs of the job site.

  • When to Use Helical Pier Drilling

    When to Use Helical Pier Drilling

    Helical Pier drilling can be thought of as a system which uses anchors to secure structures to the ground when soil conditions are rather challenging, and where the usage of a more conventional foundation system is not indicated. Learn more…

  • Piles and Footers: Types of Foundations

    Piles and Footers: Types of Foundations

    Foundations vary in structure relative to the depth to which the foundation must be established in the ground. Small structures might only require a shallow foundation, which involves excavating between three and eight feet into the ground, before pouring a concrete footing by an expert Bay Area foundation drilling company. Commercial Building Foundations

  • Common Residential Home Foundations

    Common Residential Home Foundations

    Homeowners don’t often think about the foundations of their home, but those foundations are critical components of any home, as they bear the entire load of the structure above. Foundations also have another critical function, in that they must prevent groundwater and soil vapors from penetrating into the home’s interior. When you’re trying to decide…

  • Helical Anchors a Great Choice for Solar Array Foundations

    Helical Anchors a Great Choice for Solar Array Foundations

    One of the typical methods for anchoring ground-mounted solar arrays has been to use a slab of concrete for the foundation. Helical piles are gaining popularity among designers and contractors, though, to provide solar array owners with a more stable installation. Helical piles provide some distinct advantages, so it is worth considering the use of…

  • Excavation Contractor – What Does the Business Involve?

    Excavation Contractor – What Does the Business Involve?

    What seems like a straightforward business, drilling and excavating, actually has a lot of parts to it that all have to work together. Here are some of the key aspects of running a business like ours. The Work of an Excavating and Drilling Contractor Moving Dirt Around

  • Pier Drilling Can Shore up a Sagging Foundation

    Pier Drilling Can Shore up a Sagging Foundation

    All building foundations will settle with time, but problems arise when this settlement is uneven or extreme. Sometimes requiring pier drilling or helicals.

  • How Does Pier Drilling Work?

    How Does Pier Drilling Work?

    Pier drilling is a process which uses an augur to drill deep down into the ground, for the purpose of establishing piers or columns upon which a foundation can be placed to support a structure above ground. It is very often used in locations where the ground is not particularly stable, and where it would…

  • Four Ways to Prevent Home Foundation Problems

    Four Ways to Prevent Home Foundation Problems

    Avoiding problems with your home’s foundation is critical to the long-term stability of your home, which will also save you money on costly repairs. In the San Francisco Bay Area, such problems can be prevented by installing deck piers, footing piers, helical piers, concrete piles, or other constructs which can provide foundation support to keep…