Using Helical Piers for Your Swimming Pool Installation

Swimming pool construction
Pool construction, like most construction, starts with the foundation. In the case of in-ground swimming pools, this means excavating a hole that mimics the exact size shape and floor configuration of the pool. The pool shell is then constructed against the excavation which acts like a form. But in the case of a swimming pool, the form is never removed and is an integral part of the strength of the shell. If the soil strength isn’t sufficient to hold the pressures of the pool and water, the pool shell structure will fail.
Why you may need helical piles to support your pool
If your neighborhood has a history of home settlement this may be a good indicator you have poor soil that needs extra support for the pool structure. If you live in an area with lots of hills, there is a good chance engineered fills were used to build your house pad. These fills in and of themselves are not bad, but engineers are very leary of building structures on fills and may want helicals for extra support.
How Helical Piers support pool structures
When installing a swimming pool in poor soils, Helical Piles are drilled into the ground after the pool is excavated. They are drilled to a predetermined depth where a soil engineer has determined that the soil has sufficient strength to support the pool structure. Once the Helical piles are installed, the top of the pile is fitted with a head that is attached to the pool structure.
Helical Piles are very durable and will last for many decades. Helical piles are generally galvanized or epoxy coated to ensure their longevity. Lassiter Excavating is a family owned Bay Area excavation company that specializes in pier drilling, helical pier installation and pool removal. For more information, call (925) 449-3112 or send us an email using our online contact form.