What to Consider When Using Drilled Shaft Construction

Learn More About Drilled Shafts
Drilled shafts, also called drilled piers, bored piles, or caissons are deep foundation solutions created by excavating a deep hole and pouring fluid concrete into the hole. If needed, reinforcing steel can be installed in the excavation prior to pouring the concrete. An expert Bay Area foundation drilling company will have the equipment and the expertise to reliably perform this critical foundation work.
What Are the Advantages of Drilled Shaft Construction?
Drilled shafts are an economical way to support large axial and lateral loads. The advantages of using drilled shafts versus conventional footings or other types of piles include being able to bore the shafts into deep depths below frost penetration and below seasonal moisture variations, large excavations and extensive backfill are minimized, there is less disruption to adjacent soil, piles of varying lengths can be used to extend through soft, swelling, or compressible soils into solid bearing material, vibration in the excavation process is relatively low thus reducing the disturbance to nearby piles or structures, and drilled shafts offer higher load-bearing capacities at lower costs than other foundation solutions. But this approach requires the expertise of a qualified Bay Area pier drillingFBay company.
Key Considerations When Using Drilled Shaft Construction
There are five primary considerations when using drilled shaft construction. A professional Bay Area drilling company will use this technique to build the foundation of a structure that will be strong and enduring.
First, the right concrete mix must be used. It will need to be fluid so that it pours smoothly into the excavation without any blockages. Every area of the drilled shaft must be reached so that there are no gaps. Also, the right reinforcement cage must be used.
Second, any sediment remaining at the bottom of the shaft must be less than three inches. Otherwise, issues or defects can take place at a later date.
Third, this method of foundation drilling is intended to make the structure withstand any negative impact from the environment. Thus, the concrete used must have a combination of high-density and low permeability. In addition, the temperature of the concrete must be controlled to avoid high levels of heat or high levels of hydration.
Fourth, in the excavation, high vibration in the boreholes of deep shafts won’t be used to protect the weight of the structure.
Fifth, a solid base for the drilled shaft must be found.
Reasons to Hire an expert Bay Area Foundation Drilling Company
It is important to select an expert Bay Area foundation drilling company because they will have extensive experience in this foundation process, an excellent reputation, superior customer service, an excellent history of safety, and the best equipment and techniques.
Choose an Expert Bay Area Drilling Company
Contact Lassiter Excavating, your Bay Area excavation professionals. We are experts in retaining wall drilling, construction, pool removal, excavation, trenching, and pier drilling since 1989. We provide exceptional service for both residential and commercial customers.